Hand Dyed Walnut - 100% Free Range Bison

The Very Special Jory Special!

My excellent amigo Jory Brigham played an outsize role in the foundation of Calavera Tool Works. Full storyover here

And once I started down this path, one of the first things I did was to attend one of his amazing woodworking workshops... with a pile of prototype aprons, naturally. That feedback (and so much more) provided the basis of what we've been doing for nearly 10 years. 

So to commemorate the role that Jory (and his amazing classes!) played in getting us moving, we're partnering up to put anyone who enrolls in one of hisupcoming classes in their very ownJory Brigham Special

Here's how it works: Step 1:Enroll in a class.
Step 2:Send me an email with your confirmation number.
Step 3:We'll take it from there.

Note 1:New signups only. 
Note 2:Free apron value up to $350. 

Offer good thru September 30. 

Wait, what's this... The Extra Special??

So maybe the full outJory Brigham Experienceis for another day, but you really need that apron now. It's cool. We got this.

Every Jory Brigham Specialpurchased thru the end of September scores two fistfuls of Jory... including a small Jory Special CatchAll, AND a fabulousJory Special Keychain!

Please note, these are super limited edition and not otherwise available for purchase. 

Tobacco - 100% USA Cowhide

Best belts on planet earth

Remote Ring Upgrade!

We like to keep our aprons streamlined, and that starts with the upper chest pocket. No poofy openings to collect sawdust (or an overabundance of unnecessary stuff), just a simple, utilitarian pocket for essentials. 

But there's always room for improvement and lots of folks have asked for an extra d-ring (think dust remote, eyeglasses, bottle opener(!), so we decided to just make it official. 

Just order that apron and we'll include it as standard equipment. 

Offer does not apply to Turners Edition. No dangly things over the lathe and all that.

Lead times

As you might expect, the recent flooding at the shop caused production to grind to a halt. We are back to full production, but please understand that everything is taking just a bit longer right now! Thank you for your patience!

Current status: Lead times are currently running 3-4 weeks, faster for simple setups, and a little longer for the more elaborate setups.

Silva Editions generally 4-5 weeks and Gatornado Editions 5-6. Totally worth the wait, I assure you.

We're here for it.

If you run into any issues or questions during the selection/ordering process, just drop us a note at info@calaveratool.com

Not just another Handbag

I'm not talking to all of you, but I'm definitely talking to some of you. When's the last time you bought her something really nice... like over and above nice? Well, let us help you fix that.

Seriously fellas, think of all awesome you've got stashed away... in your shop, your golf bag, or maybe under the hood. Now think of how one of these pretty amazing (yes, I do say so myself) Roscoes could grease the wheels towards keeping it that way. Roscolitas work too!

Or maybe it's not that way at all and you're just looking for the next opportunity to blow your person's mind. 

Let's get this show on the road.

Side Gear for the Win

Double Stacked Pockets - Max Capacity!

We've added what we're calling Double Stacked Pockets as an option to all our aprons across the line. These compartments of goodness reside on the outside bottom of both our Standard Lower Pockets and Paolini Side Entry Pockets.

Simply choose your preferred Lower Pocket style and add Double Pockets as an option below.

The Calavera Origin Story

Shortly after vacating my cushy office with the nice view at Festool, I decided to put the corporate life behind me for good. No Big Boxes in sight and no foreign production on the horizon... just hard work and a dream to build something special in the USA.

Head this way for the full story. Well, what's fit to print, at least.