CatchAll Tray
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What is a CatchAll and why do you need one?
It's amazing how such a simple thing can make such a big difference in one's day to day.
As personal context, I'll admit that I am not the most organized of people. And I have made a habit of losing my keys nearly every day for at least 30 years.
And then one day I took home a valet tray... you know, one of the thousand valet trays I've personally made over the past few years. Then like every other miracle in my life, it just kind of happened. All of of a sudden, my keys had a home. Like throwing darts and hitting the bullseye every time.
While I certainly can't guarantee that everyone who uses a Calavera CatchAll is going to experience this same level of bliss, at least you'll have a fighting chance. And that's all that any of can ask for, am I right?
All New Design and More Options
A neat square tray, about a little over 1.5" deep, just right for corralling the basics. Bonus points for those sweet snaps that'll let you break this baby down and take it on the road.
Available in a wider range of leather options than we should probably put out there, but hey... let's see what flies.
Did I mention that these babies come in not one but three different sizes? Just right for what needs.
Small - 6" x 6" x 1.5"
Medium - 6" x 9" x 1.5"
Large = 8" x 8" x 1.75"